We're making May Day baskets in the art studio day!  
Many people that I talk to remember celebrating May Day growing up, but we don't see if much here in our Kansas City metro these days.  If you didn't grow up celebrating May Day, you should read up on it!  The first of May is historically celebrated all over the world as a spring holiday.  Traditions vary greatly--from May pole dances to flower crowns to bonfires.
One of the traditions that most midwesterners remember is the making and delivering of May Baskets.  These small baskets were traditionally filled with flowers or treats and left at someone's doorstep. The giver rings the bell and runs away. The person receiving the basket tries to catch the fleeing giver; if caught, a kiss is exchanged.
We used tin cans as our base for the baskets and had the children decorate the outside with painted papers.  They were easy to make (we had some tin cans laying around).  

Tin cans
Drill (to drill the holes)
Paper (3in x 9.5in)
"Happy May Day" Tags
Fillings (candy, flowers,etc)

You can download and print the tags that we used for free by clicking [here]
Check out our Orange Easel Pinterest board with all sorts of May basket ideas.  They can be made from paper, cups, fabric, and more.  


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